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Clean Kill Lawn Care & Invasives

Clean Kill Lawn Care is licensed and provide service in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Clean Kill provides residential and commercial pest control in areas of the following counties. Michigan: Alger, Delta, Mackinac, Marquette, Menominee and Schoolcraft Counties. Wisconsin: Brown, Luce, Menominee, Oconto, Schoolcraft, and Shawano Counties.

Name: Tim Dettman

Phone: 715-696-6466

Mailing Address:
781 Hwy US 2
Florence, WI 54121

Location Address:
781 Hwy US 2
Florence, WI 54121

Click here for map and directions.

Email: cleankill@cleankillpc.com
Website: cleankillpest.com
Facebook: facebook.com/cleankillpestcontrol